Chip ingram marriage
Chip ingram marriage

Someone who knows the music, the dancers and the scene determines who dips, who spins, who leads, and when.

  • Someone writes the steps for both dancers, prescribing how they each need to move.
  • chip ingram marriage

    As I've observed great dancers of all types, I've made a few observations that not only seem rather obvious, but also have significant application to our marriages. No matter how effortless the final product may seem, a great dance doesn't just happen.

    chip ingram marriage

    Most of us would rather dance, no question. Is your marriage like a dance, or more like a debate? Do you and your mate find yourselves staking territory, divvying up the chores and keeping score, with a constant current of conflict flowing just below the surface? Or are you enjoying the give and take, the joyful unity, of a marriage that moves along in time with beautiful harmony and rhythm? Wouldn’t you rather be dancing the waltz with the love of your life than posting "no trespassing" signs?

    Chip ingram marriage