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I went over graped some of them and felt of them and started thing of her I felt like fucking her right then. I was surprised at 1st then it felt great so I went in the kitchen and go some ketchup(Roxie loves ketchup) I squirted it all over my dick and she was licking it all up then I realized where's Bosco? I pushed off Roxie and I went searching for him I found him in my uncle's and his girlfriend's room and he was sniffing her old thongs. I turned off the game and watched a movie while I was doing that I was dropping food and they kept picking it up and eating it then some steak juices fell on my dick and Roxie jumped up and started licking it off. Then I went in the kitchen and got lunch and a DP. I was playing tug-of-war with them and I kept winning then sometimes I just watched them. Finally I got pissed and I went to go play with them so they would stop. They were playing around and kept distracting me so I had to keep them separated and then Roxie was chasing Bosco around the house. Then I heard the dogs Bosco and Roxie scratching at the door they wanted in so I let them in. We start out with me playing madden at my uncle's house naked. Instead I get a doggy dick in my ass and a doggy ass to fuck it really sucked that day until the girlfriend got there.

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I was all alone with the dogs in my uncle's house waiting for the girlfriend to get home so I could fuck her. My uncle was at work and I was at home alone and I was playing video games butt ass naked. I was at my uncle's house waiting for the girlfriend to get home so we can fuck. The Geman Sheperds - True Animal Porn Story, Anal Dog Sex, Bestiality, Gay, Rape

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